In Your Blog Post: Make screen shots of your ads and include them into your blog post. Explain why each of them would be effective.
explain in your post: What is an objective? Explain which type of ad
objective makes the most sense for your business and why.
AD 1 SHOW CASES ART type of ad type of ad " Traffic "
because traffic is what you want when you want more customers the more people see your ad the better ; more customers is what I want in this ad
AD 2 SHOW CASES ART type of ad type of ad " Traffic "
because traffic is what you want when you want more customers the more people see your ad the better ; more customers is what I want in this ad
AD 3 SHOW CASES ART type of ad type of ad " Traffic "
because traffic is what you want when you want more customers the more people see your ad the better ; more customers is what I want in this ad